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Life In Pictures

Songs From The Sawmill CD

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“Songs From the Sawmill is a mixture of metal, hardcore, with a little punk thrown in for good measure. There is some very talented stuff being tossed around on this disc. You will find the guitars will follow the percussion, and then zoom off only to fall exactly back into place, seamlessly. Buildups and breakdowns come at just the right points to break up the songs and keep you guessing as to what is coming next, causing this EP to be anything but predictable. Lyrically the disc is deeply political, with commentary ranging from the soul-crushing effects of consumerism, to the world’s growing apathy toward human tragedy. Though the disc is only five tracks long, there are no two-minute songs; the average is better than five minutes. That coupled with the gifted song structures makes this feel like a full album. Nuances are found with every listen, really making replay value on this pretty high. This is an above average disc, well worth finding and picking up.”

– 30music.com