
Weight CD

“Weight” is the second album from the Manchester-based collective known as Burrowing. It is the brainchild of Liam Stewart, drummer of instrumental wizards Nasdaq (as well as many, many other bands). Together with a small army of vocalists and collaborators, the intention was to distill each idea down to its essence and build it up again into whatever form it emerged into naturally, with no preconception of what that may be. Genre-defying variety is the name of the game here, with heavy, doomy moments rubbing shoulders with introspective indie-rock, prog drones and even synth-pop. Others have called it Jupiter-era Cave In meets Zombi meets From Monument to Masses meets Faraquet meets “the 1970s” (thanks to Apathy And Exhaustion blog for that).

More from Burrowing


Weight – Cassette Tape
