Taste of Fear / The Communion

Split CD

200 copies
Out Of Stock

“The Taste Of Fear tracks include the three songs from the split 7″ with Evolved To Obliteration from 1995, an unreleased studio track from ’95, and the three tracks from the split 7″ with Unholy Grave that came out back in 1999. All of these tracks appeared on the Discography 1991-2003 cd, but since that disc is now out-of-print, this is the only place you can find these tracks together. By this point in Taste Of Fear’s career singer Daryl Kahan (formerly of legendary NY hardcore band Citizens Arrest) was so immersed in the black metal and death metal scene that he and the rest of the members brought some of that noxious stench to their raging Infest-inspired thrashcore, which produced tracks like “Dominion” and “Paths Of Pain” that come off like amalgams of Infest, D-beat driven crust, atavistic deathdoom and early blackened death metal like Beherit and Darkthrone (complete with seriously fucked up echo-crazed vocals) and smeared with thick gobs of distortion and noise and even throwing in some spooky synth intros and outros. This stuff kills! The Communion are friends of Taste Of Fear that are making one of their first appearances on this split. Based on the music they’ve contributed to this disc, these guys are pretty promising; they’re obviously influenced not just by the violent underground sounds of early hardcor and black metal and grind, but also old-school industrial and power electronics, and they bring it all together in a ferocious soni assault. The COmmunion take furious fucked-up modulated electronic noise and super fast hardcore thrash and black metal and grindcore and mash it all together into intense and BRUTAL songs of blackened thrashcore. The three thrashers that are included here are “Jester Axis”, “Cult Machine”, and “Crib Death Foghorn”, all fast and fierce, blistering blastbeat driven chaos turning into lurching punk rock, primitive black metal like riffing suddenly stumbling into noxious slow-motion swamp sludge, their sound steeped in nihilism and negativity, like some ragged mix of Darkthrone and Discharge and Eyehategod, with fucking KILLER whacked out guitar solos and sick sneering vocals. But after those thre tracks, The Communion descends into a massive twenty-four minute noisescape of looped abstract riffs, harsh PE- style vocals and malfunctioning electronics, and it’s a hard slog that’ll surely scare off anyone without a lust for horrific industrial noise. Me, I fucking loved it. Can’t wait to hear more from these guys! Packaged in a handassembled digipack, and limited to 200 copies.”
– Crucial Blast