Sick Thoughts

Songs About People You Hate 12″ LP

Black Vinyl
Out Of Stock

Sick Thoughts is a one-man punk band that needs no introduction; partly because the band’s international notoriety can easily precede itself, and partly because every other notable record label, music outlet, and bottomfeeding venue has thoroughly suckled the band’s teats in the four or so years it’s been active. If Sick Thoughts’ massive discography – easily amassing to 20-something records released by labels all around the globe – is any indication of its reverence, let alone quality, then it should be immediately clear that Sick Thoughts is worth its salt. Either that, or Sick Thoughts’ sole creator, Drew Owen, has got a metric fuckton of songs he wants released and a nice set of lips to get the job done – if you sniff my drift. And this doesn’t even take Drew Owen’s multitude of side projects into account, such as DD Owen, Chicken Chain, Bloody Master, LS Dogs, Baby’s Blood (coming soon on Neck Chop), Deformities, and so on. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that “Songs About People You Hate”, Sick Thought’s newest LP, is another prime example of sleazy, spit-riddled punk rock ‘n’ roll done right – and wrong – in all the best ways possible, vicious spurs of idiot savant-tier musicianship abound. And with Drew rapidly leaving adolescence, you better believe he’s gonna take his vitamins, outline his will, and then promptly blast your eardrums with eleven brand-new auditory bruisers, all before kicking you right off his fuckin’ lawn.