
Swallowed By Fog – Cassette Tape

Black Cassette | 100 copies

PARIIAH is a four piece post metal-punk band formed in New Jersey in 2020, consisting of former members of Devoid of Faith, Das Oath, Milhouse, Kill Your Idols, Changeorder, Books Lie, Mothman, The Nolan Gate, and many more. Six songs that pound along at a slow, almost morbid tempo, piling on atmosphere that is punctuated by the occasional haunting guitar melody. Imagine bands like Celtic Frost, Nausea, or Winter played with a fair amount of the members’ previous hardcore pedigree mixed in and you get an idea of the level of bleakness we are talking about.

Layout done by the talented Mr. Mark McCoy. Recorded by Anthony Corallo of Sheer Terror, Mastered by Will Killingworth at Dead Air.

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