Crooked Bangs

II 12″ LP

Black Vinyl | 500 copies
Out Of Stock

CROOKED BANGS are from Austin, and are proud purveyors of a distinct musical form of the freakiness for which that city is so well-noted. Crooked Bangs could be described as dark punk noir, in the sense that the guitar lines are brooding and the lyrics are sung in in a smoky French/English hybrid style – but the energy and overall vibe delve deep into the a distinctive sonic playing field and atmosphere akin to early Sub Pop singles club releases. SAMANTHA (guitarist) also has a distinct guitar style that is reminiscent of the more-innovative second-wave Crass Records bands such as Rudimentary Peni, ’90s heavy-but-melodic noise rock like Babes In Toyland, and the noisier side of UK82 HC, while remaining resolutely modern and compatible with the dark garage sounds from Goner Records’ stalwarts such as Lost Sounds.